Author |
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Year |
Publication |
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Dennys Paillacho, Nayeth Solórzano, Michael Arce, María Plues & Edwin Eras |
Advanced metrics to evaluate autistic children's attention and emotions from facial characteristics using a human robot-game interface |
2023 |
Communications in Computer and Information Science. 11th Conferencia Ecuatoriana de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TICEC 2023) Cuenca 18-20 Octubre 2023 |
1885 CCIS |
234 - 247 |
Angely Oyola; Dennis G. Romero; Boris X. Vintimilla |
A Dijkstra-based algorithm for selecting the Shortest-Safe Evacuation Routes in dynamic environments (SSER) |
2017 |
The 30th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering, Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2017) |
131-135 |
Sianna Puente; Cindy Madrid; Miguel Realpe; Boris X. Vintimilla |
An Empirical Comparison of DCNN libraries to implement the Vision Module of a Danger Management System |
2017 |
2017 International Conference on Deep Learning Technologies (ICDLT 2017) |
Part F128535 |
60-65 |
Patricia L. Suarez; Angel D. Sappa; Boris X. Vintimilla |
Cross-spectral Image Patch Similarity using Convolutional Neural Network |
2017 |
2017 IEEE International Workshop of Electronics, Control, Measurement, Signals and their application to Mechatronics (ECMSM) |
1-5 |
Patricia L. Suarez; Angel D. Sappa; Boris X. Vintimilla |
Learning to Colorize Infrared Images |
2017 |
15th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems |
Cristhian A. Aguilera; Xaver Soria; Angel D. Sappa; Ricardo Toledo |
RGBN Multispectral Images: a Novel Color Restoration Approach |
2017 |
15th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems |
619 |
155-163 |
Angel J. Valencia; Roger M. Idrovo; Angel D. Sappa; Douglas Plaza G.; Daniel Ochoa |
A 3D Vision Based Approach for Optimal Grasp of Vacuum Grippers |
2017 |
2017 IEEE International Workshop of Electronics, Control, Measurement, Signals and their application to Mechatronics (ECMSM) |
1-6 |
Dennis G. Romero; Roberto Yoncon; Angel Guale; Bonny Bayot; Fanny Panchana |
Evaluación de técnicas de clasificación orientadas a la identificación automática de órganos del camarón a partir de imágenes histológicas |
2017 |
15th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology |
2017-July |
1-6 |
Patricia L. Suarez; Angel D. Sappa; Boris X. Vintimilla |
Infrared Image Colorization based on a Triplet DCGAN Architecture. |
2017 |
13th IEEE Workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum – In conjunction with CVPR 2017. (This paper has been selected as “Best Paper Award” ) |
2017-July |
212-217 |
Jorge Alvarez; Mireya Zapata; Dennys Paillacho |
Mechanical Design of a spatial mechanism for the robot head movements in social robotics for the evaluation of Human-Robot Interaction. |
2019 |
2nd International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications (IHSED 2019); Munich, Alemania |
1026 |
160-165 |