Rosero Vasquez Shendry. (2020). Facial recognition: traditional methods vs. methods based on deep learning. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing – Information Technology and Systems Proceedings of ICITS 2020.615–625.
Viñán-Ludeña, M. S., Roberto Jacome Galarza, Montoya, L.R., Leon, A.V., & Ramírez, C.C. (2020). Smart university: an architecture proposal for information management using open data for research projects. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1137 AISC, 2020, 172–178.
Juca Aulestia M., L. J. M., Guaman Quinche J., Coronel Romero E., Chamba Eras L., & Roberto Jacome Galarza. (2020). Open innovation at university: a systematic literature review. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1159 AISC, 2020, 3–14.
Viñán-Ludeña M.S., D. C. L. M., Roberto Jacome Galarza, & Sinche Freire, J. (2020). Social media influence: a comprehensive review in general and in tourism domain. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies., 171, 2020, 25–35.
Marjorie Chalen, & Boris X. Vintimilla. (2019). Towards Action Prediction Applying Deep Learning. Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI); Guayaquil, Ecuador; 11-15 Noviembre 2019, , pp. 1–3.
Abstract: Considering the incremental development future action prediction by video analysis task of computer vision where it is done based upon incomplete action executions. Deep learning is playing an important role in this task framework. Thus, this paper describes recently techniques and pertinent datasets utilized in human action prediction task.
Santos V., Angel D. Sappa., & Oliveira M. & de la Escalera A. (2019). Special Issue on Autonomous Driving and Driver Assistance Systems. In Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 121.
Cristhian A. Aguilera, Cristhian Aguilera, & Angel D. Sappa. (2018). Melamine faced panels defect classification beyond the visible spectrum. In Sensors 2018, Vol. 11(Issue 11).
Abstract: In this work, we explore the use of images from different spectral bands to classify defects in melamine faced panels, which could appear through the production process. Through experimental evaluation, we evaluate the use of images from the visible (VS), near-infrared (NIR), and long wavelength infrared (LWIR), to classify the defects using a feature descriptor learning approach together with a support vector machine classifier. Two descriptors were evaluated, Extended Local Binary Patterns (E-LBP) and SURF using a Bag of Words (BoW) representation. The evaluation was carried on with an image set obtained during this work, which contained five different defect categories that currently occurs in the industry. Results show that using images from beyond
the visual spectrum helps to improve classification performance in contrast with a single visible spectrum solution.
Xavier Soria, Angel D. Sappa, & Riad Hammoud. (2018). Wide-Band Color Imagery Restoration for RGB-NIR Single Sensor Image. Sensors 2018 ,2059.Vol. 18(Issue 7).
Abstract: Multi-spectral RGB-NIR sensors have become ubiquitous in recent years. These sensors allow the visible and near-infrared spectral bands of a given scene to be captured at the same time. With such cameras, the acquired imagery has a compromised RGB color representation due to near-infrared bands (700–1100 nm) cross-talking with the visible bands (400–700 nm). This paper proposes two deep learning-based architectures to recover the full RGB color images, thus removing the NIR information from the visible bands. The proposed approaches directly restore the high-resolution RGB image by means of convolutional neural networks. They are evaluated with several outdoor images; both architectures reach a similar performance when evaluated in different scenarios and using different similarity metrics. Both of them improve the state of the art approaches.
Juan A. Carvajal, Dennis G. Romero, & Angel D. Sappa. (2017). Fine-tuning deep convolutional networks for lepidopterous genus recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10125 LNCS, pp. 467–475.
Cristhian A. Aguilera, Angel D. Sappa, & Ricardo Toledo. (2017). Cross-Spectral Local Descriptors via Quadruplet Network. In Sensors Journal, Vol. 17, pp. 873.