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Miguel Realpe; Boris X. Vintimilla; L. Vlacic Towards Fault Tolerant Perception for autonomous vehicles: Local Fusion. 2015 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM), Siem Reap, 2015. 253-258 details   pdf openurl
Dennys Paillacho; Cecilio Angulo; Marta Díaz. An Exploratory Study of Group-Robot Social Interactions in a Cultural Center 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2015, International Conference on, Hamburg, Germany, 2015 details   pdf openurl
Cristhian A. Aguilera; Angel D. Sappa; R. Toledo LGHD: A feature descriptor for matching across non-linear intensity variations 2015 IEEE International Conference on, Quebec City, QC, 2015 178 - 181 details   pdf url
M. Oliveira; L. Seabra Lopes; G. Hyun Lim; S. Hamidreza Kasaei; Angel D. Sappa; A. Tomé Concurrent Learning of Visual Codebooks and Object Categories in Open- ended Domains 2015 Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on, Hamburg, Germany, 2015 2488 - 2495 details   pdf url
Dennis G. Romero; A. Frizera; Angel D. Sappa; Boris X. Vintimilla; T.F. Bastos A predictive model for human activity recognition by observing actions and context 2015 ACIVS 2015 (Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems), International Conference on, Catania, Italy, 2015 323 - 333 details   pdf url
Wilton Agila; Ricardo Cajo; Douglas Plaza Experts Agents in PEM Fuel Cell Control 2015 4ta International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications 896 - 900 details   pdf url
Cristhian A. Aguilera; Francisco J. Aguilera; Angel D. Sappa; Ricardo Toledo Learning crossspectral similarity measures with deep convolutional neural networks 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops 267-275 details   pdf openurl
Monica Villavicencio; Alain Abran Educational Issues in the Teaching of Software Measurement in Software Engineering Undergraduate Programs 2011 Joint Conference of the International Workshop on Software Measurement and the International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement 239-244 details   pdf url
Miguel Realpe; Boris X. Vintimilla; Ljubo Vlacic A Fault Tolerant Perception system for autonomous vehicles 2016 35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC2016), International Conference on, Chengdu 1-6 details   pdf openurl
Juan A. Carvajal; Dennis G. Romero; Angel D. Sappa Fine-tuning based deep covolutional networks for lepidopterous genus recognition 2016 XXI IberoAmerican Congress on Pattern Recognition 1-9 details   pdf openurl
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