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Luis Jacome-Galarza, M. V. - C., Miguel Realpe-Robalino, Jose Benavides-Maldonado. (2021). Software Engineering and Distributed Computing in image processing intelligent systems: a systematic literature review. In 19th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology.
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Rafael E. Rivadeneira, A. D. S., Vintimilla B. X. and Hammoud R. (2022). A Novel Domain Transfer-Based Approach for Unsupervised Thermal Image Super- Resolution. Sensors, Vol. 22(Issue 6).
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Patricia L. Suárez, A. D. S., Boris X. Vintimilla. (2021). Cycle generative adversarial network: towards a low-cost vegetation index estimation. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2021) (Vol. 2021-September, pp. 2783–2787).
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Michael Teutsch, A. S. & R. H. (2021). Computer Vision in the Infrared Spectrum: Challenges and ApproachesComputer Vision in the Infrared Spectrum: Challenges and Approaches. Synthesis Lectures on Computer Vision, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 138.
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Rafael E. Rivadeneira, A. D. S. and B. X. V. (2022). Multi-Image Super-Resolution for Thermal Images. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications VISIGRAPP 2022 (Vol. 4, pp. 635–642).
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Angel D. Sappa, P. L. S., Henry O. Velesaca, Darío Carpio. (2022). Domain adaptation in image dehazing: exploring the usage of images from virtual scenarios. In 16th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing (CGVCVIP 2022), julio 20-22 (pp. 85–92).
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Santos, V., Sappa, A.D., Oliveira, M. & de la Escalera, A. (2021). Editorial: Special Issue on Autonomous Driving and Driver Assistance Systems – Some Main Trends. In Journal: Robotics and Autonomous Systems. (Article number 103832), Vol. 144.
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Velesaca, H. O., Suárez, P. L., Mira, R., & Sappa, A.D. (2021). Computer Vision based Food Grain Classification: a Comprehensive Survey. In Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Journal. (Article number 106287), Vol. 187.
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Henry O. Velesaca, P. L. S., Dario Carpio, and Angel D. Sappa. (2021). Synthesized Image Datasets: Towards an Annotation-Free Instance Segmentation Strategy. In 16 International Symposium on Visual Computing. Octubre 4-6, 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 13017, pp. 131–143).
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Patricia L. Suárez, D. C., and Angel Sappa. (2021). Non-Homogeneous Haze Removal through a Multiple Attention Module Architecture. In 16 International Symposium on Visual Computing. Octubre 4-6, 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 13018, pp. 178–190).
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