Author |
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Year |
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Patricia L. Suarez; Angel D. Sappa; Boris X. Vintimilla; Riad I. Hammoud |
Image Vegetation Index through a Cycle Generative Adversarial Network |
2019 |
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPR 2019); Long Beach, California, United States |
1014-1021 |
Armin Mehri; Angel D. Sappa |
Colorizing Near Infrared Images through a Cyclic Adversarial Approach of Unpaired Samples |
2019 |
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPR 2019); Long Beach, California, United States |
971-979 |
Miguel Realpe; Jonathan S. Paillacho Corredores; Joe Saverio & Allan Alarcon |
Open Source system for identification of corn leaf chlorophyll contents based on multispectral images |
2019 |
International Conference on Applied Technologies (ICAT 2019); Quito, Ecuador |
572-581 |
Patricia L. Suarez; Angel D. Sappa; Boris X. Vintimilla |
Image patch similarity through a meta-learning metric based approach |
2019 |
15th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet based Systems (SITIS 2019); Sorrento, Italia |
511-517 |
Wilton Agila; Gomer Rubio; Francisco Vidal; B. Lima |
Real time Qualitative Model for estimate Water content in PEM Fuel Cell |
2019 |
8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA 2019); Brasov, Rumania |
455-459 |
Rafael E. Rivadeneira; Patricia L. Suarez; Angel D. Sappa; Boris X. Vintimilla. |
Thermal Image SuperResolution through Deep Convolutional Neural Network. |
2019 |
16th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2019); Waterloo, Canadá |
417-426 |
G.A. Rubio; Wilton Agila |
Transients analysis in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: A critical review |
2019 |
8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA 2019); Brasov, Rumania |
249-252 |
Roberto Jacome Galarza; Miguel-Andrés Realpe-Robalino; Chamba-Eras LuisAntonio; Viñán-Ludeña MarlonSantiago and Sinche-Freire Javier-Francisco |
Computer vision for image understanding. A comprehensive review |
2019 |
International Conference on Advances in Emerging Trends and Technologies (ICAETT 2019); Quito, Ecuador |
248-259 |
Angel Morera; Angel Sánchez; Angel D. Sappa; José F. Vélez |
Robust Detection of Outdoor Urban Advertising Panels in Static Images. |
2019 |
17th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2019); Ávila, España. Communications in Computer and Information Science |
1047 |
246-256 |
G.A. Rubio; Wilton Agila |
Sustainable Energy: A Strategic View of Fuel Cells |
2019 |
8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA 2019); Brasov, Rumania |
239-243 |