Angel D. Sappa, Cristhian A. Aguilera, Juan A. Carvajal Ayala, Miguel Oliveira, Dennis Romero, Boris X. Vintimilla, et al. (2016). Monocular visual odometry: a cross-spectral image fusion based approach. Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal, Vol. 86, pp. 26–36.
Abstract: This manuscript evaluates the usage of fused cross-spectral images in a monocular visual odometry approach. Fused images are obtained through a Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) scheme, where the best setup is em- pirically obtained by means of a mutual information based evaluation met- ric. The objective is to have a exible scheme where fusion parameters are adapted according to the characteristics of the given images. Visual odom- etry is computed from the fused monocular images using an off the shelf approach. Experimental results using data sets obtained with two different platforms are presented. Additionally, comparison with a previous approach as well as with monocular-visible/infrared spectra are also provided showing the advantages of the proposed scheme.
Angel J. Valencia, Roger M. Idrovo, Angel D. Sappa, Douglas Plaza G., & Daniel Ochoa. (2017). A 3D Vision Based Approach for Optimal Grasp of Vacuum Grippers. In 2017 IEEE International Workshop of Electronics, Control, Measurement, Signals and their application to Mechatronics (ECMSM) (pp. 1–6).
Ángel Morera, Á. S., A. Belén Moreno, Angel D. Sappa, & José F. Vélez. (2020). SSD vs. YOLO for Detection of Outdoor Urban Advertising Panels under Multiple Variabilities. In Sensors, Vol. 2020-August(16), pp. 1–23.
Abstract: This work compares Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) and You Only Look Once (YOLO)
deep neural networks for the outdoor advertisement panel detection problem by handling multiple
and combined variabilities in the scenes. Publicity panel detection in images oers important
advantages both in the real world as well as in the virtual one. For example, applications like Google
Street View can be used for Internet publicity and when detecting these ads panels in images, it could
be possible to replace the publicity appearing inside the panels by another from a funding company.
In our experiments, both SSD and YOLO detectors have produced acceptable results under variable
sizes of panels, illumination conditions, viewing perspectives, partial occlusion of panels, complex
background and multiple panels in scenes. Due to the diculty of finding annotated images for the
considered problem, we created our own dataset for conducting the experiments. The major strength
of the SSD model was the almost elimination of False Positive (FP) cases, situation that is preferable
when the publicity contained inside the panel is analyzed after detecting them. On the other side,
YOLO produced better panel localization results detecting a higher number of True Positive (TP)
panels with a higher accuracy. Finally, a comparison of the two analyzed object detection models
with dierent types of semantic segmentation networks and using the same evaluation metrics is
also included.
Angel Morera, Angel Sánchez, Angel D. Sappa, & José F. Vélez. (2019). Robust Detection of Outdoor Urban Advertising Panels in Static Images. In 17th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2019); Ávila, España. Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 1047, pp. 246–256).
Abstract: One interesting publicity application for Smart City environments is recognizing brand information contained in urban advertising
panels. For such a purpose, a previous stage is to accurately detect and
locate the position of these panels in images. This work presents an effective solution to this problem using a Single Shot Detector (SSD) based
on a deep neural network architecture that minimizes the number of
false detections under multiple variable conditions regarding the panels and the scene. Achieved experimental results using the Intersection
over Union (IoU) accuracy metric make this proposal applicable in real
complex urban images.
Angely Oyola, Dennis G. Romero, & Boris X. Vintimilla. (2017). A Dijkstra-based algorithm for selecting the Shortest-Safe Evacuation Routes in dynamic environments (SSER). In The 30th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering, Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2017) (pp. 131–135).
Arias Alexandra. Ing., Peña Roxanna. Ing., Chávez Patricia. MSEE., & Basurto Juan. Ing. (2011). Análisis Comparativo de la Implementación de una PBX de Código Abierto instalada en un Servidor Tradicional y en un Enrutador Inalámbrico en términos de Calidad de Servicio en Redes Inalámbricas Amalladas. Revista Tecnologica ESPOL RTE, Vol. 24, pp. 1–6.
Abstract: El presente trabajo compara dos Implementaciones de Centrales Telefónicas VoIP de Código Abierto implementados sobre una Red Inalámbrica Amallada. El primero comprende la instalación de la PBX en un servidor tradicional y el segundo la instalación de una PBX en un enrutador inalámbrico. Nuestro objetivo es
determinar cuál de estos dos sistemas es superior en cuanto a calidad de servicio se refiere. Para determinar la mejor solución, realizamos un estudio técnico de los paquetes capturados durante diferentes pruebas, considerando parámetros como el ancho de banda, retardo y jitter. Nuestros métodos de análisis pueden ser utilizados para futuros trabajos con una mayor complejidad y número de enrutadores inalámbrico, así como establecer el grado de afectación y el comportamiento de las dos PBX cuando haya congestión en la red.
Armin Mehri, P. B., Dario Carpio, and Angel D. Sappa. (2023). SRFormer: Efficient Yet Powerful Transformer Network For Single Image Super Resolution. IEEE access, Vol. 11, 121457–121469.
Armin Mehri, & Angel D. Sappa. (2019). Colorizing Near Infrared Images through a Cyclic Adversarial Approach of Unpaired Samples. In Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPR 2019); Long Beach, California, United States (pp. 971–979).
Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach for colorizing
near infrared (NIR) images. The approach is based on
image-to-image translation using a Cycle-Consistent adversarial network for learning the color channels on unpaired dataset. This architecture is able to handle unpaired datasets. The approach uses as generators tailored
networks that require less computation times, converge
faster and generate high quality samples. The obtained results have been quantitatively—using standard evaluation
metrics—and qualitatively evaluated showing considerable
improvements with respect to the state of the art
Armin Mehri, Parichehr Behjati, & Angel Domingo Sappa. (2023). TnTViT-G: Transformer in Transformer Network for Guidance Super Resolution. IEEE Access, Vol. 11.
Benítez-Quintero J., Q. - P. O., Calderon, Fernanda. (2022). Notes on Sulfur Fluxes in Urban Areas with Industrial Activity. In 20th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology, LACCEI 2022, (Vol. 2022-July).