Mónica Villavicencio, & Alain Abran. (2011). Facts and Perceptions Regarding Software Measurement in Education and in Practice: Preliminary Results. Journal of Software Engineering and Application, , pp. 227–234.
Abstract: How is software measurement addressed in undergraduate and graduate programs in universities? Do organizations consider that the graduating students they hire have an adequate knowledge of software measurement? To answer these and related questions, a survey was administered to participants who attended the IWSM-MENSURA 2010 conference in Stuttgart, Germany. Forty-seven of the 69 conference participants (including software development practitioners, software measurement consultants, university professors, and graduate students) took part in the survey. The results indicate that software measurement topics are: A) covered mostly at the graduate level and not at the undergraduate level, and B) not mandatory. Graduate students and professors consider that, of the measurement topics covered in university curricula, specific topics, such as measures for the requirements phase, and measurement techniques and tools, receive more attention in the academic context. A common observation of the practitioners who participated in the survey was that students hired as new employees bring limited software measurement-related knowledge to their organizations. Discussion of the findings and directions for future research are presented.
Monica Villavicencio, & Alain Abran. (2011). Educational Issues in the Teaching of Software Measurement in Software Engineering Undergraduate Programs. In Joint Conference of the International Workshop on Software Measurement and the International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (pp. 239–244). IEEE.
Abstract: In mature engineering disciplines and science, mathematics and measurement are considered as important subjects to be taught in university programs. This paper discusses about these subjects in terms of their respective meanings and complementarities. It also presents a discussion regarding their maturity, relevance and innovations in their teaching in engineering programs. This paper pays special attention to the teaching of software measurement in higher education, in particular with respect to mathematics and measurement in engineering in general. The findings from this analysis will be useful for researchers and educators interested in the enhancement of educational issues related to software measurement.
Luis Jacome-Galarza, M. V. - C., Miguel Realpe-Robalino, Jose Benavides-Maldonado. (2021). Software Engineering and Distributed Computing in image processing intelligent systems: a systematic literature review. In 19th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology.
Abstract: Deep learning is experiencing an upward technology trend that is revolutionizing intelligent systems in several domains, such as image and speech recognition, machine translation, social network filtering, and the like. By reviewing a total of 80 studies reported from 2016 to 2020, the present article evaluates the application of software engineering to the field
of intelligent image processing systems, it also offers insights about aspects related to distributed computing for this type of systems. Results indicate that several topics of software engineering are mostly applied when academics are involved in developing projects associated to this kind of intelligent systems. The findings provide evidences that Apache Spark is the most
utilized distributed computing framework for image processing. In addition, Tensorflow is a popular framework used to build convolutional neural networks, which are the prevailing deep learning algorithms used in intelligent image processing systems.
Also, among big cloud providers, Amazon Web Services is the preferred computing platform across the industry sectors, followed by Google cloud.