Patricia Súarez, H. V., Dario Carpio & Angel Sappa. (2023). Corn Kernel Classification From Few Training Samples. In journal Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture, Vol. 9, pp. 89–99.
Dennis G. Romero, A. F. N., & Teodiano Freire B. (2014). Reconocimiento en-línea de acciones humanas basado en patrones de RWE aplicado en ventanas dinámicas de momentos invariantes. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial 00 (2014), Vol. 11, pp. 202–211.
Daniela Rato, M. O., Victor Santos, Manuel Gomes & Angel Sappa. (2022). A Sensor-to-Pattern Calibration Framework for Multi-Modal Industrial Collaborative Cells. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 64, pp. 497–507.
Xavier Soria, A. S., Patricio Humanante, Arash Akbarinia. (2023). Dense extreme inception network for edge detection. Pattern Recognition, Vol. 139.
Patricia L. Suárez, A. D. S. and B. X. V. (2021). Deep learning-based vegetation index estimation. In Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation Book. (Vol. Chapter 9, pp. 205–232).
Carlos Monsalve, Alain April, & Alain Abran. (2011). BPM and requirements elicitation at multiple levels of abstraction: A review. In IADIS International Conference on Information Systems 2011 (pp. 237–242).
Abstract: Business process models can be useful for requirements elicitation, among other things. Software development depends on the quality of the requirements elicitation activities, and so adequately modeling business processes (BPs) is critical. A key factor in achieving this is the active participation of all the stakeholders in the development of a shared vision of BPs.
Unfortunately, organizations often find themselves left with inconsistent BPs that do not cover all the stakeholders’ needs
and constraints. However, consolidation of the various stakeholder requirements may be facilitated through the use of multiple levels of abstraction (MLA). This article contributes to the research into MLA use in business process modeling (BPM) for software requirements by reviewing the theoretical foundations of MLA and their use in various BP-oriented approaches.
Miguel Realpe, Boris X. Vintimilla, & Ljubo Vlacic. (2015). Sensor Fault Detection and Diagnosis for autonomous vehicles. In 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics, Automation and Manufacturing (ICMAM 2015), International Conference on, Singapur, 2015 (Vol. 30, pp. 1–6). EDP Sciences.
Abstract: In recent years testing autonomous vehicles on public roads has become a reality. However, before having autonomous vehicles completely accepted on the roads, they have to demonstrate safe operation and reliable interaction with other traffic participants. Furthermore, in real situations and long term operation, there is always the possibility that diverse components may fail. This paper deals with possible sensor faults by defining a federated sensor data fusion architecture. The proposed architecture is designed to detect obstacles in an autonomous vehicle’s environment while detecting a faulty sensor using SVM models for fault detection and diagnosis. Experimental results using sensor information from the KITTI dataset confirm the feasibility of the proposed architecture to detect soft and hard faults from a particular sensor.
Henry Velesaca Lara, P. S., Darío Carpio & Angel Sappa. (2024). Fruit Grading based on Deep Learning and Active Vision System. In Second International Conference of Applied Industrial Engineering: Intelligent Production Automation and its Sustainable Development (CIIA 2024) Guayaquil 28 – 30 May 2024 (Vol. Vol. 532).
Henry Velesaca Lara, J. A. H. & J. M. G. (2024). Optimizing Smart Factory Operations: A Methodological Approach to Industrial System Implementation based on OPC-UA. In Second International Conference of Applied Industrial Engineering: Intelligent Production Automation and its Sustainable Development (CIIA 2024) Guayaquil 28 – 30 May 2024 (Vol. Vol. 532).
Velesaca, H. O., Suárez, P. L., Sappa, A. D., Carpio, D., Rivadeneira, R. E., & Sanchez, A. (2022). Review on Common Techniques for Urban Environment Video Analytics. In WORKSHOP BRASILEIRO DE CIDADES INTELIGENTES (WBCI 2022) (pp. 107–118).