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Author Title Year Publication (up) Volume Pages
Carlos Monsalve; Alain April; Alain Abran Requirements Elicitation Using BPM Notations: Focusing on the Strategic Level Representation 2011 10th WSEAS international conference on Applied computer and applied computational science 235-241
Carlos Monsalve; Alain April; Alain Abran BPM and requirements elicitation at multiple levels of abstraction: A review 2011 IADIS International Conference on Information Systems 2011 237-242
Cristina L. Abad; Yi Lu; Roy H. Campbell DARE: Adaptive Data Replication for Efficient Cluster Scheduling 2011 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 2011 159 - 168
Juan C. Basurto, Patricia Chávez and Hernán Córdova A Proximity-Aware Transparent Handoff Mobility Scheme for VoIP Communication over Infrastructure Mesh Networks 2011 International Congress of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering-INTERCON 2011
Carlos Monsalve; Alain April and Alain Abran Measuring software functional size from business process models 2011 International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Vol. 21 pp. 311–338
Monica Villavicencio; Alain Abran Educational Issues in the Teaching of Software Measurement in Software Engineering Undergraduate Programs 2011 Joint Conference of the International Workshop on Software Measurement and the International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement 239-244
Mónica Villavicencio; Alain Abran Facts and Perceptions Regarding Software Measurement in Education and in Practice: Preliminary Results 2011 Journal of Software Engineering and Application pp. 227-234
Del Pino, J.; Salazar, G.; Cedeño, V. Msc. Adaptación de un Recomendador de Filtro Colaborativo Basado en el Usuario para la Creación de un Recomendador de Materias de Pregrado Basado en el Historial Académico de los Estudiantes 2011 Revista Tecnológica ESPOL Vol. 24 pp. 29 - 34
Arias Alexandra. Ing.; Peña Roxanna. Ing.; Chávez Patricia. MSEE.; Basurto Juan. Ing Análisis Comparativo de la Implementación de una PBX de Código Abierto instalada en un Servidor Tradicional y en un Enrutador Inalámbrico en términos de Calidad de Servicio en Redes Inalámbricas Amalladas 2011 Revista Tecnologica ESPOL RTE Vol. 24 pp. 1-6