Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Jorge L. Charco, Angel D. Sappa, Boris X. Vintimilla, Henry O. Velesaca. |
Human Body Pose Estimation in Multi-view Environments. |
2022 |
ICT Applications for Smart Cities Part of the Intelligent Systems Reference Library book series |
224 |
79-99 |
Miguel Oliveira; Vítor Santos; Angel D. Sappa; Paulo Dias |
Scene representations for autonomous driving: an approach based on polygonal primitives |
2015 |
Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, 2015 |
417 |
503-515 |
Julien Poujol; Cristhian A. Aguilera; Etienne Danos; Boris X. Vintimilla; Ricardo Toledo; Angel D. Sappa |
A visible-Thermal Fusion based Monocular Visual Odometry |
2015 |
Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT 2015), International Conference on, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015 |
417 |
517-528 |
Carlos Monsalve; Alain April; Alain Abran |
BPM and requirements elicitation at multiple levels of abstraction: A review |
2011 |
IADIS International Conference on Information Systems 2011 |
237-242 |
Ulises Gildardo Quiroz Antúnez, Alejandro Ismael Monterroso Rivas, María Fernanda Calderón Vega, Adán Guillermo Ramírez García |
2022 |
Granja |
Vol. 36 |
Patricia L. Suárez, Angel D. Sappa and Boris X. Vintimilla |
Deep learning-based vegetation index estimation |
2021 |
Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation Book. |
Chapter 9 |
205-232 |
Nayeth I. Solorzano Alcivar, Robert Loor, Stalyn Gonzabay Yagual, & Boris X. Vintimilla |
Statistical Representations of a Dashboard to Monitor Educational Videogames in Natural Language |
2020 |
ETLTC – ACM Chapter: International Conference on Educational Technology, Language and Technical Communication; Fukushima, Japan, 27-31 Enero 2020 |
77 |
Abel Rubio, Wilton Agila, Leandro González & Jonathan Aviles-Cedeno |
Distributed Intelligence in Autonomous PEM Fuel Cell Control. |
2023 |
Energies 2023 |
Vol. 16 |
Morocho-Cayamcela, M.E. & W. Lim |
Lateral confinement of high-impedance surface-waves through reinforcement learning |
2020 |
Electronics Letters |
Vol. 56 |
pp. 1262-1264 |
Morocho-Cayamcela, M.E. |
Increasing the Segmentation Accuracy of Aerial Images with Dilated Spatial Pyramid Pooling |
2020 |
Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis (ELCVIA) |
Vol. 19 |
pp. 17-21 |