Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Morocho-Cayamcela, M.E. |
Increasing the Segmentation Accuracy of Aerial Images with Dilated Spatial Pyramid Pooling |
2020 |
Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis (ELCVIA) |
Vol. 19 |
pp. 17-21 |
Suárez P. |
Processing and Representation of Multispectral Images Using Deep Learning Techniques |
2021 |
In Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis |
Vol. 19 |
pp. 5-8 |
Juca Aulestia M., Labanda Jaramillo M., Guaman Quinche J., Coronel Romero E., Chamba Eras L., & Roberto Jacome Galarza |
Open innovation at university: a systematic literature review |
2020 |
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing |
1159 AISC, 2020 |
3-14 |
Lukas Danev; Marten Hamann; Nicolas Fricke; Tobias Hollarek; Dennys Paillacho |
Development of animated facial expression to express emotions in a robot: RobotIcon. |
2017 |
IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapter Meeting (ETCM) |
2017-January |
1-6 |
Xavier Soria; Angel D. Sappa; Arash Akbarinia |
Multispectral Single-Sensor RGB-NIR Imaging: New Challenges an Oppotunities |
2017 |
The 7th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Application |
1-6 |
Milton Mendieta; F. Panchana; B. Andrade; B. Bayot; C. Vaca; Boris X. Vintimilla; Dennis G. Romero |
Organ identification on shrimp histological images: A comparative study considering CNN and feature engineering. |
2018 |
IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting ETCM 2018. Cuenca, Ecuador |
1-6 |
Arias Alexandra. Ing.; Peña Roxanna. Ing.; Chávez Patricia. MSEE.; Basurto Juan. Ing |
Análisis Comparativo de la Implementación de una PBX de Código Abierto instalada en un Servidor Tradicional y en un Enrutador Inalámbrico en términos de Calidad de Servicio en Redes Inalámbricas Amalladas |
2011 |
Revista Tecnologica ESPOL RTE |
Vol. 24 |
pp. 1-6 |
Ma. Paz Velarde; Erika Perugachi; Dennis G. Romero; Ángel D. Sappa; Boris X. Vintimilla |
Análisis del movimiento de las extremidades superiores aplicado a la rehabilitación física de una persona usando técnicas de visión artificial. |
2015 |
Revista Tecnológica ESPOL-RTE |
Vol. 28 |
pp. 1-7 |
Miguel Realpe; Boris X. Vintimilla; Ljubo Vlacic |
Sensor Fault Detection and Diagnosis for autonomous vehicles |
2015 |
2nd International Conference on Mechatronics, Automation and Manufacturing (ICMAM 2015), International Conference on, Singapur, 2015 |
30 |
1-6 |
Angel D. Sappa; Juan A. Carvajal; Cristhian A. Aguilera; Miguel Oliveira; Dennis G. Romero; Boris X. Vintimilla |
Wavelet-Based Visible and Infrared Image Fusion: A Comparative Study |
2016 |
Sensors Journal |
Vol. 16 |
pp. 1-15 |