Author |
Title |
Year  |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Ulises Gildardo Quiroz Antúnez, Alejandro Ismael Monterroso Rivas, María Fernanda Calderón Vega, Adán Guillermo Ramírez García |
2022 |
Granja |
Vol. 36 |
Charco, J.L., Sappa, A.D., Vintimilla, B.X., Velesaca, H.O. |
Camera pose estimation in multi-view environments:from virtual scenarios to the real world |
2021 |
In Image and Vision Computing Journal. (Article number 104182) |
Vol. 110 |
Rubio, G.A., Agila, W.E |
A fuzzy model to manage water in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells |
2021 |
In Processes Journal. (Article number 904) |
Vol. 9 |
Michael Teutsch, Angel Sappa & Riad Hammoud |
Computer Vision in the Infrared Spectrum: Challenges and ApproachesComputer Vision in the Infrared Spectrum: Challenges and Approaches |
2021 |
Synthesis Lectures on Computer Vision |
Vol. 10 No. 2 |
pp. 138 |
Santos, V., Sappa, A.D., Oliveira, M. & de la Escalera, A. |
Editorial: Special Issue on Autonomous Driving and Driver Assistance Systems – Some Main Trends |
2021 |
In Journal: Robotics and Autonomous Systems. (Article number 103832) |
Vol. 144 |
Velesaca, H.O., Suárez, P. L., Mira, R., & Sappa, A.D. |
Computer Vision based Food Grain Classification: a Comprehensive Survey |
2021 |
In Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Journal. (Article number 106287) |
Vol. 187 |
Pereira J., Mora M. & W. Agila |
Qualitative Model to Maximize Shrimp Growth at Low Cost |
2021 |
5th Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM 2021), Octubre 12 – 15 |
Cristhian A. Aguilera, Cristhian Aguilera, Cristóbal A. Navarro, & Angel D. Sappa |
Fast CNN Stereo Depth Estimation through Embedded GPU Devices |
2020 |
Sensors 2020 |
Vol. 2020-June |
pp. 1-13 |
Ángel Morera, Ángel Sánchez, A. Belén Moreno, Angel D. Sappa, & José F. Vélez |
SSD vs. YOLO for Detection of Outdoor Urban Advertising Panels under Multiple Variabilities. |
2020 |
Vol. 2020-August |
pp. 1-23 |
Morocho-Cayamcela, M.E. & W. Lim |
Lateral confinement of high-impedance surface-waves through reinforcement learning |
2020 |
Electronics Letters |
Vol. 56 |
pp. 1262-1264 |