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Rafael E. Rivadeneira, A. D. S. and B. X. V. (2022). Multi-Image Super-Resolution for Thermal Images. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications VISIGRAPP 2022 (Vol. 4, pp. 635–642).
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A. Amato, F. Lumbreras, & Angel D. Sappa. (2014). A general-purpose crowdsourcing platform for mobile devices. In Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2014 International Conference on, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014 (Vol. 3, pp. 211–215). Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE.
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N. Onkarappa, Cristhian A. Aguilera, B. X. Vintimilla, & Angel D. Sappa. (2014). Cross-spectral Stereo Correspondence using Dense Flow Fields. In Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2014 International Conference on, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014 (Vol. 3, pp. 613–617). IEEE.
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Patricia Suarez, A. D. S. (2024). A Generative Model for Guided Thermal Image Super-Resolution. In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) Rome 27 – 29 February 2024 (Vol. Vol. 3: VISAPP, pp. 765–771).
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P. Ricaurte, C. Chilán, C. A. Aguilera-Carrasco, B. X. Vintimilla, & Angel D. Sappa. (2014). Performance Evaluation of Feature Point Descriptors in the Infrared Domain. In Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2014 International Conference on, Lisbon, Portugal, 2013 (Vol. 1, pp. 545–550). IEEE.
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Roberto Jacome Galarza, Miguel-Andrés Realpe-Robalino, Chamba-Eras LuisAntonio, & Viñán-Ludeña MarlonSantiago and Sinche-Freire Javier-Francisco. (2019). Computer vision for image understanding. A comprehensive review. In International Conference on Advances in Emerging Trends and Technologies (ICAETT 2019); Quito, Ecuador (pp. 248–259).
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Patricia L. Suarez, Angel D. Sappa, & Boris X. Vintimilla. (2017). Colorizing Infrared Images through a Triplet Condictional DCGAN Architecture. In 19th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing. (pp. 287–297).
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Patricia L. Suarez, Angel D. Sappa, & Boris X. Vintimilla. (2017). Learning Image Vegetation Index through a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network. In 2nd IEEE Ecuador Tehcnnical Chapters Meeting (ETCM).
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Xavier Soria, Angel D. Sappa, & Arash Akbarinia. (2017). Multispectral Single-Sensor RGB-NIR Imaging: New Challenges an Oppotunities. In The 7th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Application (pp. 1–6).
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Milton Mendieta, F. Panchana, B. Andrade, B. Bayot, C. Vaca, Boris X. Vintimilla, et al. (2018). Organ identification on shrimp histological images: A comparative study considering CNN and feature engineering. In IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting ETCM 2018. Cuenca, Ecuador (pp. 1–6).
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