Henry O. Velesaca, S. A., Patricia L. Suarez, Ángel Sanchez & Angel D. Sappa. (2020). Off-the-Shelf Based System for Urban Environment Video Analytics. In The 27th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2020) (Vol. 2020-July, pp. 459–464).
Abstract: This paper presents the design and implementation details of a system build-up by using off-the-shelf algorithms for urban video analytics. The system allows the connection to public video surveillance camera networks to obtain the necessary
information to generate statistics from urban scenarios (e.g., amount of vehicles, type of cars, direction, numbers of persons, etc.). The obtained information could be used not only for traffic management but also to estimate the carbon footprint of urban scenarios. As a case study, a university campus is selected to
evaluate the performance of the proposed system. The system is implemented in a modular way so that it is being used as a testbed to evaluate different algorithms. Implementation results are provided showing the validity and utility of the proposed approach.
Cristhian A. Aguilera, C. A., Cristóbal A. Navarro, & Angel D. Sappa. (2020). Fast CNN Stereo Depth Estimation through Embedded GPU Devices. Sensors 2020, Vol. 2020-June(11), pp. 1–13.
Abstract: Current CNN-based stereo depth estimation models can barely run under real-time
constraints on embedded graphic processing unit (GPU) devices. Moreover, state-of-the-art
evaluations usually do not consider model optimization techniques, being that it is unknown what is
the current potential on embedded GPU devices. In this work, we evaluate two state-of-the-art models
on three different embedded GPU devices, with and without optimization methods, presenting
performance results that illustrate the actual capabilities of embedded GPU devices for stereo depth
estimation. More importantly, based on our evaluation, we propose the use of a U-Net like architecture
for postprocessing the cost-volume, instead of a typical sequence of 3D convolutions, drastically
augmenting the runtime speed of current models. In our experiments, we achieve real-time inference
speed, in the range of 5–32 ms, for 1216 368 input stereo images on the Jetson TX2, Jetson Xavier,
and Jetson Nano embedded devices.
Ángel Morera, Á. S., A. Belén Moreno, Angel D. Sappa, & José F. Vélez. (2020). SSD vs. YOLO for Detection of Outdoor Urban Advertising Panels under Multiple Variabilities. In Sensors, Vol. 2020-August(16), pp. 1–23.
Abstract: This work compares Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) and You Only Look Once (YOLO)
deep neural networks for the outdoor advertisement panel detection problem by handling multiple
and combined variabilities in the scenes. Publicity panel detection in images oers important
advantages both in the real world as well as in the virtual one. For example, applications like Google
Street View can be used for Internet publicity and when detecting these ads panels in images, it could
be possible to replace the publicity appearing inside the panels by another from a funding company.
In our experiments, both SSD and YOLO detectors have produced acceptable results under variable
sizes of panels, illumination conditions, viewing perspectives, partial occlusion of panels, complex
background and multiple panels in scenes. Due to the diculty of finding annotated images for the
considered problem, we created our own dataset for conducting the experiments. The major strength
of the SSD model was the almost elimination of False Positive (FP) cases, situation that is preferable
when the publicity contained inside the panel is analyzed after detecting them. On the other side,
YOLO produced better panel localization results detecting a higher number of True Positive (TP)
panels with a higher accuracy. Finally, a comparison of the two analyzed object detection models
with dierent types of semantic segmentation networks and using the same evaluation metrics is
also included.
José Reyes, Axel Godoy, & Miguel Realpe. (2019). Uso de software de código abierto para fusión de imágenes agrícolas multiespectrales adquiridas con drones. In International Multi-Conference of Engineering, Education and Technology (LACCEI 2019); Montego Bay, Jamaica (Vol. 2019-July).
Abstract: Los drones o aeronaves no tripuladas son muy útiles para la adquisición de imágenes, de forma mucho más simple que los satélites o aviones. Sin embargo, las imágenes adquiridas por drones deben ser combinadas de alguna forma para convertirse en información de valor sobre un terreno o cultivo. Existen diferentes programas que reciben imágenes y las combinan en una sola imagen, cada uno con diferentes características (rendimiento, precisión, resultados, precio, etc.). En este estudio se revisaron diferentes programas de código abierto para fusión de imágenes, con el ?n de establecer cuál de ellos es más útil, especí?camente para ser utilizado por pequeños y medianos agricultores en Ecuador. Los resultados pueden ser de interés para diseñadores de software, ya que al utilizar código abierto, es posible modi?car e integrar los programas en un ?ujo de trabajo más simpli?cado. Además, que permite disminuir costos debido a que no requiere de pagos de licencias para su uso, lo cual puede repercutir en un mayor acceso a la tecnología para los pequeños y medianos agricultores. Como parte de los resultados de este estudio se ha creado un repositorio de acceso público con algoritmos de pre-procesamiento necesarios para manipular las imágenes adquiridas por una cámara multiespectral y para luego obtener un mapa completo en formatos RGB, CIR y NDVI.
Lukas Danev, Marten Hamann, Nicolas Fricke, Tobias Hollarek, & Dennys Paillacho. (2017). Development of animated facial expression to express emotions in a robot: RobotIcon. In IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapter Meeting (ETCM) (Vol. 2017-January, pp. 1–6).
Dennis G. Romero, Roberto Yoncon, Angel Guale, Bonny Bayot, & Fanny Panchana. (2017). Evaluación de técnicas de clasificación orientadas a la identificación automática de órganos del camarón a partir de imágenes histológicas. In 15th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology (Vol. 2017-July, pp. 1–6).
Patricia L. Suarez, Angel D. Sappa, & Boris X. Vintimilla. (2017). Infrared Image Colorization based on a Triplet DCGAN Architecture. In 13th IEEE Workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum – In conjunction with CVPR 2017. (This paper has been selected as “Best Paper Award” ) (Vol. 2017-July, pp. 212–217).
Dennys Paillacho, N. S., Michael Arce, María Plues & Edwin Eras. (2023). Advanced metrics to evaluate autistic children's attention and emotions from facial characteristics using a human robot-game interface. In Communications in Computer and Information Science. 11th Conferencia Ecuatoriana de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TICEC 2023) Cuenca 18-20 Octubre 2023 (Vol. 1885 CCIS, pp. 234–247).
Roberto Jacome Galarza. (2022). Multimodal deep learning for crop yield prediction. In Doctoral Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies –DSICT 2022. Octubre 12-14. (Vol. 1647, pp. 106–117).
Velez R., P. A., Silva S., Paillacho D., and Paillacho J. (2022). Implementation of a UVC lights disinfection system for a diferential robot applying security methods in indoor. In Communications in Computer and Information Science, International Conference on Applied Technologies (ICAT 2021), octubre 27-29 (Vol. 1535, pp. 319–331).