Milton Mendieta, F. Panchana, B. Andrade, B. Bayot, C. Vaca, Boris X. Vintimilla, et al. (2018). Organ identification on shrimp histological images: A comparative study considering CNN and feature engineering. In IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting ETCM 2018. Cuenca, Ecuador (pp. 1–6).
Abstract: The identification of shrimp organs in biology using
histological images is a complex task. Shrimp histological images
poses a big challenge due to their texture and similarity among
classes. Image classification by using feature engineering and
convolutional neural networks (CNN) are suitable methods to
assist biologists when performing organ detection. This work
evaluates the Bag-of-Visual-Words (BOVW) and Pyramid-Bagof-
Words (PBOW) models for image classification leveraging big
data techniques; and transfer learning for the same classification
task by using a pre-trained CNN. A comparative analysis
of these two different techniques is performed, highlighting
the characteristics of both approaches on the shrimp organs
identification problem.
P. Ricaurte, C. Chilán, C. A. Aguilera-Carrasco, B. X. Vintimilla, & Angel D. Sappa. (2014). Performance Evaluation of Feature Point Descriptors in the Infrared Domain. In Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2014 International Conference on, Lisbon, Portugal, 2013 (Vol. 1, pp. 545–550). IEEE.
Abstract: This paper presents a comparative evaluation of classical feature point descriptors when they are used in the long-wave infrared spectral band. Robustness to changes in rotation, scaling, blur, and additive noise are evaluated using a state of the art framework. Statistical results using an outdoor image data set are presented together with a discussion about the differences with respect to the results obtained when images from the visible spectrum are considered.
Raul A. Mira, Patricia L. Suarez, Rafael E. Rivadeneira, & Angel D. Sappa. (2019). PETRA: A Crowdsourcing-Based Platform for Rocks Data Collection and Characterization. In IEEE ETCM 2019 Fourth Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting; Guayaquil, Ecuador (pp. 1–6).
Abstract: This paper presents details of a distributed platform intended for data acquisition, evaluation, storage and visualization, which is fully implemented under the crowdsourcing paradigm. The proposed platform is the result from collaboration between computer science and petrology researchers and it is intended for academic purposes. The platform is designed within a MTV (Model, Template and View) architecture and also designed for a collaborative data store and managing of rocks from multiple readers and writers, taking advantage of ubiquity of web applications, and neutrality of researchers from different
communities to validate the data. The platform is being used and validated by students and academics from our university; in the near future it will be open to other users interested on this topic.
Patricia L. Suarez. (2020). Procesamiento y representación de imágenes multiespectrales usando técnicas de aprendizaje profundo (Ph.D. Angel Sappa, Director & Ph.D. Boris Vintimilla, Codirector.). Ph.D. thesis. In Ediciones FIEC-ESPOL..
Suárez P. (2021). Processing and Representation of Multispectral Images Using Deep Learning Techniques. In Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, Vol. 19(Issue 2), pp. 5–8.
Wilton Agila, G. R., Raul M. del Toro, Livington Miranda. (2023). Qualitative model for an oxygen therapy system based on Renewable Energy. In 12th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA 2023) Oshawa 29 August – 1 September 2023 (365–371).
Wilton Agila, Gomer Rubio, L. Miranda, & L. Vázquez. (2018). Qualitative Model of Control in the Pressure Stabilization of PEM Fuel Cell. In 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2018. Paris, Francia. (pp. 1221–1226).
Abstract: This work describes an approximate reasoning
technique to deal with the non-linearity that occurs in the
stabilization of the pressure of anodic and cathodic gases of a
proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEM). The implementation
of a supervisory element in the stabilization of the pressure of the
PEM cell is described. The fuzzy supervisor is a reference
control, it varies the value of the reference given to the classic
low-level controller, Proportional – Integral – Derivative (PID),
according to the speed of change of the measured pressure and
the change in the error of the pressure. The objective of the fuzzy
supervisor is to achieve a rapid response over time of the variable
pressure, avoiding unwanted overruns with respect to the
reference value. A comparative analysis is detailed with the
classic PID control to evaluate the operation of the "fuzzy
supervisor", with different flow values and different sizes of
active area of the PEM cell (electric power generated).
Pereira J., M. M. & W. A. (2021). Qualitative Model to Maximize Shrimp Growth at Low Cost. 5th Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM 2021), Octubre 12 – 15, .
Wilton Agila, Gomer Rubio, Francisco Vidal, & B. Lima. (2019). Real time Qualitative Model for estimate Water content in PEM Fuel Cell. In 8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA 2019); Brasov, Rumania (pp. 455–459).
Abstract: To maintain optimum performance of the electrical
response of a fuel cell, a real time identification of the
malfunction situations is required. Critical fuel cell states depend,
among others, on the variable demand of electric load and are
directly related to the membrane hydration level. The real time
perception of relevant states in the PEM fuel cell states space, is
still a challenge for the PEM fuel cell control systems. Current
work presents the design and implementation of a methodology
based upon fuzzy decision techniques that allows real time
characterization of the dehydration and flooding states of a PEM
fuel cell. Real time state estimation is accomplished through a
perturbation-perception process on the PEM fuel cell and further
on voltage oscillation analysis. The real time implementation of
the perturbation-perception algorithm to detect PEM fuel cell
critical states is a novelty and a step forwards the control of the
PEM fuel cell to reach and maintain optimal performance.
Dennis G. Romero, A. F. N., & Teodiano Freire B. (2014). Reconocimiento en-línea de acciones humanas basado en patrones de RWE aplicado en ventanas dinámicas de momentos invariantes. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial 00 (2014), Vol. 11, pp. 202–211.