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Rubio, G. A., Agila, W.E. (2021). A fuzzy model to manage water in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. In Processes Journal. (Article number 904), Vol. 9(Issue 6).
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Jacome-Galarza L.-R., R. R. M. - A., Paillacho Corredores J., Benavides Maldonado J.-L. (2022). Time series in sensor data using state of the art deep learning approaches: A systematic literature review. In VII International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Society (CITIS 2021), mayo 26-28.  Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. (Vol. Vol. 252, pp. 503–514).
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Rivadeneira R.E., S. A. D., Vintimilla B.X., Nathan S., Kansal P., Mehri A et al. (2021). Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge – PBVS 2021. In In IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, CVPRW 2021., junio 19 – 25, 2021 (pp. 4354–4362).
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Jacome-Galarza L.-R. (2021). Crop yield prediction utilizing multimodal deep learning. In 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2021, junio 23 – 26, 2021.
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Mehri, A., Ardakani, P.B., Sappa, A.D. (2021). LiNet: A Lightweight Network for Image Super Resolution. In 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), enero 10-15, 2021 (pp. 7196–7202).
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Mehri, A., Ardakani, P.B., Sappa, A.D. (2021). MPRNet: Multi-Path Residual Network for Lightweight Image Super Resolution. In In IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision WACV 2021, enero 5-9, 2021 (pp. 2703–2712).
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Charco, J. L., Sappa, A.D., Vintimilla, B.X., Velesaca, H.O. (2021). Camera pose estimation in multi-view environments:from virtual scenarios to the real world. In Image and Vision Computing Journal. (Article number 104182), Vol. 110.
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Rosero Vasquez Shendry. (2020). Facial recognition: traditional methods vs. methods based on deep learning. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing – Information Technology and Systems Proceedings of ICITS 2020.615–625.
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Patricia L. Suarez. (2020). Procesamiento y representación de imágenes multiespectrales usando técnicas de aprendizaje profundo (Ph.D. Angel Sappa, Director & Ph.D. Boris Vintimilla, Codirector.). Ph.D. thesis. In Ediciones FIEC-ESPOL..
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Morocho-Cayamcela, M. E. (2020). Increasing the Segmentation Accuracy of Aerial Images with Dilated Spatial Pyramid Pooling. Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis (ELCVIA), Vol. 19(Issue 2), pp. 17–21.
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