Juan A. Carvajal, Dennis G. Romero, & Angel D. Sappa. (2016). Fine-tuning based deep covolutional networks for lepidopterous genus recognition. In XXI IberoAmerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (pp. 1–9).
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Velesaca, H. O., Suárez, P. L., Sappa, A. D., Carpio, D., Rivadeneira, R. E., & Sanchez, A. (2022). Review on Common Techniques for Urban Environment Video Analytics. In WORKSHOP BRASILEIRO DE CIDADES INTELIGENTES (WBCI 2022) (pp. 107–118).
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Jacome-Galarza L.-R., R. R. M. - A., Paillacho Corredores J., Benavides Maldonado J.-L. (2022). Time series in sensor data using state of the art deep learning approaches: A systematic literature review. In VII International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Society (CITIS 2021), mayo 26-28.  Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. (Vol. Vol. 252, pp. 503–514).
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Dennis G. Romero, A. F. Neto, T. F. Bastos, & Boris X. Vintimilla. (2012). An approach to automatic assistance in physiotherapy based on on-line movement identification. In VI Andean Region International Conference – ANDESCON 2012. Andean Region International Conference (ANDESCON), 2012 VI: IEEE.
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Dennys Paillacho, Nayeth I. Solorzano Alcivar, & Jonathan S. Paillacho Corredores. (2021). LOLY 1.0: A Proposed Human-Robot-Game Platform Architecture for the Engagement of Children with Autism in the Learning Process. In The international Conference on Systems and Information Sciences (ICCIS 2020), julio 27-29. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. (Vol. 1273, pp. 225–238).
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Xavier Soria, Angel D. Sappa, & Arash Akbarinia. (2017). Multispectral Single-Sensor RGB-NIR Imaging: New Challenges an Oppotunities. In The 7th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Application (pp. 1–6).
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Angely Oyola, Dennis G. Romero, & Boris X. Vintimilla. (2017). A Dijkstra-based algorithm for selecting the Shortest-Safe Evacuation Routes in dynamic environments (SSER). In The 30th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering, Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2017) (pp. 131–135).
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Miguel A. Murillo, J. E. A., & Miguel Realpe. (2021). Beyond visual and radio line of sight UAVs monitoring system through open software in a simulated environment. In The 2nd International Conference on Applied Technologies (ICAT 2020), diciembre 2-4. Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 1388, pp. 629–642).
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Steven Silva, D. P., David Soque, María Guerra & Jonathan Paillacho. (2021). Autonomous Intelligent Navigation For Mobile Robots In Closed Environments. In The 2nd International Conference on Applied Technologies (ICAT 2020), diciembre 2-4. Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 1388, pp. 391–402).
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Luis C. Herrera, L. del R. L., Nayeth I. Solorzano, Jonathan S. Paillacho & Dennys Paillacho. (2021). Metrics Design of Usability and Behavior Analysis of a Human-Robot-Game Platform. In The 2nd International Conference on Applied Technologies (ICAT 2020), diciembre 2-4. Communication in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 1388, pp. 164–178).
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