Juan A. Carvajal, Dennis G. Romero, & Angel D. Sappa. (2016). Fine-tuning based deep covolutional networks for lepidopterous genus recognition. In XXI IberoAmerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (pp. 1–9).
Abstract: This paper describes an image classication approach ori- ented to identify specimens of lepidopterous insects recognized at Ecuado- rian ecological reserves. This work seeks to contribute to studies in the area of biology about genus of butter ies and also to facilitate the reg- istration of unrecognized specimens. The proposed approach is based on the ne-tuning of three widely used pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). This strategy is intended to overcome the reduced number of labeled images. Experimental results with a dataset labeled by expert biologists, is presented|a recognition accuracy above 92% is reached. 1 Introductio
Velesaca, H. O., Suárez, P. L., Sappa, A. D., Carpio, D., Rivadeneira, R. E., & Sanchez, A. (2022). Review on Common Techniques for Urban Environment Video Analytics. In WORKSHOP BRASILEIRO DE CIDADES INTELIGENTES (WBCI 2022) (pp. 107–118).
Jacome-Galarza L.-R., R. R. M. - A., Paillacho Corredores J., Benavides Maldonado J.-L. (2022). Time series in sensor data using state of the art deep learning approaches: A systematic literature review. In VII International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Society (CITIS 2021), mayo 26-28. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. (Vol. Vol. 252, pp. 503–514).
Abstract: IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) are becoming
support tools for several current technological solutions due to significant advancements of these areas. The development of the IoT in various technological fields has contributed to predicting the behavior of various systems such as mechanical, electronic, and control using sensor networks. On the other hand, deep learning architectures have achieved excellent results in complex tasks, where patterns have been extracted in time series. This study has reviewed the most efficient deep learning architectures for forecasting and obtaining trends over time, together with data produced by IoT sensors. In this way, it is proposed to contribute to applications in fields in which IoT is contributing a technological advance such as smart cities, industry 4.0, sustainable agriculture, or robotics. Among the architectures studied in this article related to the process of time series data we have: LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) for its high precision in prediction and the ability to automatically process input sequences; CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) mainly in human activity
recognition; hybrid architectures in which there is a convolutional layer for data pre-processing and RNN (Recurrent Neural Networks) for data fusion from different sensors and their subsequent classification; and stacked LSTM Autoencoders that extract the variables from time series in an unsupervised way without the need of manual data pre-processing.Finally, well-known technologies in natural language processing are also used in time series data prediction, such as the attention mechanism and embeddings obtaining promising results.
Dennis G. Romero, A. F. Neto, T. F. Bastos, & Boris X. Vintimilla. (2012). An approach to automatic assistance in physiotherapy based on on-line movement identification. In VI Andean Region International Conference – ANDESCON 2012. Andean Region International Conference (ANDESCON), 2012 VI: IEEE.
Abstract: This paper describes a method for on-line movement identification, oriented to patient’s movement evaluation during physiotherapy. An analysis based on Mahalanobis distance between temporal windows is performed to identify the “idle/motion” state, which defines the beginning and end of the patient’s movement, for posterior patterns extraction based on Relative Wavelet Energy from sequences of invariant moments.
Dennys Paillacho, Nayeth I. Solorzano Alcivar, & Jonathan S. Paillacho Corredores. (2021). LOLY 1.0: A Proposed Human-Robot-Game Platform Architecture for the Engagement of Children with Autism in the Learning Process. In The international Conference on Systems and Information Sciences (ICCIS 2020), julio 27-29. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. (Vol. 1273, pp. 225–238).
Xavier Soria, Angel D. Sappa, & Arash Akbarinia. (2017). Multispectral Single-Sensor RGB-NIR Imaging: New Challenges an Oppotunities. In The 7th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Application (pp. 1–6).
Angely Oyola, Dennis G. Romero, & Boris X. Vintimilla. (2017). A Dijkstra-based algorithm for selecting the Shortest-Safe Evacuation Routes in dynamic environments (SSER). In The 30th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering, Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2017) (pp. 131–135).
Miguel A. Murillo, J. E. A., & Miguel Realpe. (2021). Beyond visual and radio line of sight UAVs monitoring system through open software in a simulated environment. In The 2nd International Conference on Applied Technologies (ICAT 2020), diciembre 2-4. Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 1388, pp. 629–642).
Abstract: The problem of loss of line of sight when operating drones has be-come a reality with adverse effects for professional and amateur drone opera-tors, since it brings technical problems such as loss of data collected by the de-vice in one or more instants of time during the flight and even misunderstand-ings of legal nature when the drone flies over prohibited or private places. This paper describes the implementation of a drone monitoring system using the In-ternet as a long-range communication network in order to avoid the problem of loss of communication between the ground station and the device. For this, a simulated environment is used through an appropriate open software tool. The operation of the system is based on a client that makes requests to a server, the latter in turn communicates with several servers, each of which has a drone connected to it. In the proposed system when a drone is ready to start a flight, its server informs the main server of the system, which in turn gives feedback to the client informing it that the device is ready to carry out the flight; this way customers can send a mission to the device and keep track of its progress in real time on the screen of their web application.
Steven Silva, D. P., David Soque, María Guerra & Jonathan Paillacho. (2021). Autonomous Intelligent Navigation For Mobile Robots In Closed Environments. In The 2nd International Conference on Applied Technologies (ICAT 2020), diciembre 2-4. Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 1388, pp. 391–402).
Luis C. Herrera, L. del R. L., Nayeth I. Solorzano, Jonathan S. Paillacho & Dennys Paillacho. (2021). Metrics Design of Usability and Behavior Analysis of a Human-Robot-Game Platform. In The 2nd International Conference on Applied Technologies (ICAT 2020), diciembre 2-4. Communication in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 1388, pp. 164–178).