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Miguel Realpe, Boris X. Vintimilla, & Ljubo Vlacic. (2016). Multi-sensor Fusion Module in a Fault Tolerant Perception System for Autonomous Vehicles. Journal of Automation and Control Engineering (JOACE), Vol. 4, pp. 430–436.
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Miguel Realpe, Boris X. Vintimilla, & Ljubo Vlacic. (2016). A Fault Tolerant Perception system for autonomous vehicles. In 35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC2016), International Conference on, Chengdu (pp. 1–6).
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Miguel Realpe, Boris X. Vintimilla, & L. Vlacic. (2015). Towards Fault Tolerant Perception for autonomous vehicles: Local Fusion. In IEEE 7th International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM), Siem Reap, 2015. (pp. 253–258).
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Miguel Oliveira, Vítor Santos, Angel D. Sappa, Paulo Dias, & A. Paulo Moreira. (2016). Incremental Scenario Representations for Autonomous Driving using Geometric Polygonal Primitives. Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal, Vol. 83, pp. 312–325.
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Miguel Oliveira, Vítor Santos, Angel D. Sappa, Paulo Dias, & A. Paulo Moreira. (2016). Incremental Texture Mapping for Autonomous Driving. Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal, Vol. 84, pp. 113–128.
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Miguel Oliveira, Vítor Santos, Angel D. Sappa, & Paulo Dias. (2015). Scene representations for autonomous driving: an approach based on polygonal primitives. In Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, 2015 (Vol. 417, pp. 503–515). Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016.
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Miguel A. Murillo, J. E. A., & Miguel Realpe. (2021). Beyond visual and radio line of sight UAVs monitoring system through open software in a simulated environment. In The 2nd International Conference on Applied Technologies (ICAT 2020), diciembre 2-4. Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 1388, pp. 629–642).
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