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Rafael E. Rivadeneira, A. D. S., Boris X. Vintimilla, Jin Kim, Dogun Kim et al. (2022). Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge Results- PBVS 2022. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, (CVPRW 2022), junio 19-24. (Vol. 2022-June, pp. 349–357).
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Low S., I. N., Nina O., Sappa A. and Blasch E. (2022). Multi-modal Aerial View Object Classification Challenge Results-PBVS 2022. In Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, (CVPRW 2022), junio 19-24. (Vol. 2022-June, pp. 417–425).
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Angel D. Sappa, Cristhian A. Aguilera, Juan A. Carvajal Ayala, Miguel Oliveira, Dennis Romero, Boris X. Vintimilla, et al. (2016). Monocular visual odometry: a cross-spectral image fusion based approach. Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal, Vol. 86, pp. 26–36.
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Nayeth I. Solorzano, L. C. H., Leslie del R. Lima, Dennys F. Paillacho & Jonathan S. Paillacho. (2022). Visual Metrics for Educational Videogames Linked to Socially Assistive Robots in an Inclusive Education Framework. In Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. International Conference in Information Technology & Education (ICITED 21), julio 15-17 (Vol. 256, pp. 119–132).
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Jacome-Galarza L.-R., R. R. M. - A., Paillacho Corredores J., Benavides Maldonado J.-L. (2022). Time series in sensor data using state of the art deep learning approaches: A systematic literature review. In VII International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Society (CITIS 2021), mayo 26-28.  Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. (Vol. Vol. 252, pp. 503–514).
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Viñán-Ludeña M.S., D. C. L. M., Roberto Jacome Galarza, & Sinche Freire, J. (2020). Social media influence: a comprehensive review in general and in tourism domain. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies., 171, 2020, 25–35.
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Emmanuel F. Morán, B. X. V., Miguel A. Realpe. (2024). Towards a Robust Solution for the Supermarket Shelf Audit Problem: Obsolete Price Tags in Shelves. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 26th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2023 Coimbra 27 – 30 November 2023 (Vol. Vol. 14470, 257–271).
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Patricia Suarez, H. V., Dario Carpio, Angel Sappa, Patricia Urdiales, Francisca Burgos. (2022). Deep Learning based Shrimp Classification. In 17th International Symposium on Visual Computing, San Diego, USA, Octubre 3-5. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (Vol. 13598 LNCS, pp. 36–45).
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Roberto Jacome Galarza. (2022). Multimodal deep learning for crop yield prediction. In Doctoral Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies –DSICT 2022. Octubre 12-14. (Vol. 1647, pp. 106–117).
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Henry O. Velesaca, P. L. S., Dario Carpio, Rafael E. Rivadeneira, Ángel Sánchez, Angel D. Sappa. (2022). Video Analytics in Urban Environments: Challenges and Approaches. In ICT Applications for Smart Cities Part of the Intelligent Systems Reference Library book series (Vol. 224, pp. 101–122).
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