Abstract  |
This work describes an approximate reasoning
technique to deal with the non-linearity that occurs in the
stabilization of the pressure of anodic and cathodic gases of a
proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEM). The implementation
of a supervisory element in the stabilization of the pressure of the
PEM cell is described. The fuzzy supervisor is a reference
control, it varies the value of the reference given to the classic
low-level controller, Proportional – Integral – Derivative (PID),
according to the speed of change of the measured pressure and
the change in the error of the pressure. The objective of the fuzzy
supervisor is to achieve a rapid response over time of the variable
pressure, avoiding unwanted overruns with respect to the
reference value. A comparative analysis is detailed with the
classic PID control to evaluate the operation of the “fuzzy
supervisor”, with different flow values and different sizes of
active area of the PEM cell (electric power generated). |