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Author Miguel Realpe; Boris X. Vintimilla; Ljubo Vlacic
Title Sensor Fault Detection and Diagnosis for autonomous vehicles Type Conference Article
Year 2015 Publication 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics, Automation and Manufacturing (ICMAM 2015), International Conference on, Singapur, 2015 Abbreviated Journal
Volume 30 Issue MATEC Web of Conferences Pages 1-6
Abstract In recent years testing autonomous vehicles on public roads has become a reality. However, before having autonomous vehicles completely accepted on the roads, they have to demonstrate safe operation and reliable interaction with other traffic participants. Furthermore, in real situations and long term operation, there is always the possibility that diverse components may fail. This paper deals with possible sensor faults by defining a federated sensor data fusion architecture. The proposed architecture is designed to detect obstacles in an autonomous vehicle’s environment while detecting a faulty sensor using SVM models for fault detection and diagnosis. Experimental results using sensor information from the KITTI dataset confirm the feasibility of the proposed architecture to detect soft and hard faults from a particular sensor.
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Publisher EDP Sciences Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language English Original Title
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Area Expedition Conference
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Call Number cidis @ cidis @ Serial 42
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