Henry O. Velesaca, D. C., Angel D. Sappa, Juan A. Holgado-Terriza & Wilton Agila. (2024). Anomaly Detection in Industrial Systems: Classical vs. Deep Learning Approaches with OPC-UA integration. In Accepted in SmartTech-IC 2024 4th International Conference on Smart Technologies, Systems and Applications.
Rato D., O. M., Santos V., Sappa A. & Raducanu B. (2024). Multi-View 2D to 3D Lifting Video-Based Optimization: A Robust Approach for Human Pose Estimation with Occluded Joint Prediction. IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Abu Dhabi, October 14-18, 2024, .
Luis Chuquimarca, B. V. & S. V. (2024). A Review of External Quality Inspection for Fruit Grading using CNN Models (Vol. Vol. 14).
Patricia Suarez Riofrio & Angel D. Sappa. (2024). Thermal Image Synthesis: Bridging the Gap between Visible and Infrared Spectrum. In Accepted in 19th International Symposium on Visual Computing 2024.
Dennys Paillacho Chiluiza & Steven Silva Mendoza. (2024). Exploring the Perceptions and Challenges of Social Robot Navigation: Two Case Studies in Different Socio-Technical Contexts. In Accepted in 36th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.